Endoheal™ Blog

Familiar with Endometriosis

by Autumn Martin on Mar 21, 2016

Familiar with Endometriosis

If you’re viewing this product, you are likely familiar with Endometriosis and its pain, both physical and emotional. Surgeries and damaging medications may seem almost as bad as the symptoms they are supposed to relieve. A more natural approach might help.

The active ingredient Nattokinase NSP2 is unique in that it works with your body to degrade the fibrins that can build up, causing pain, aches and bloating. While you might be familiar with the traditional food nattokinase (a fermented soy dish), this ingredient is different as it contains no soy, removing the concern over adding an estrogenic material to possibly make your symptoms worse.

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development found that 11% of women had endometriosis, despite not displaying symptoms. An estimated 5 million women in the United States suffer from this illness. Diagnosis and treatment often include surgery, many times not even exploring other options. These surgeries do not cure the problem and can even make it more likely to have fibrins grow from the scars.
